I love Teddy On This Video- Very Creative!

Conor Patrick is one of my favourite artists from Trondheim Norway. This is the artist that I could pay in advance to wait for the album or standing on the queue waiting the shop to open so that I can buy the songs. He has so wonderful voice and beautiful music composition. I was so lucky to have got chance to work with him in my early projects around 2003-2008. There is a lot I learned from him as a producer with the vocals recording. He is an inspiration to me when it comes to singing.  I remember to have asked him time and time why that he is not an artist himself? That time he was recording also for other artists and working intensively with another greatest band called Josephine from Trondheim. You could tell Conor Patrick had influence into that album because of the production is just so unique and amazing! It seemed like it was a matter of time that he would also be an artist too. I was not surprised when he decided to become one. I remember to have purchased his first Cd at Fru Lundgren after listening to his songs I knew this man has a future into music world. Well this is something I could even sense before he started his career because of the instruction and the vocals advices on ad libs I had to do into my own songs while recording at his studio. Today I am so happy for his great success into music and his music is like Sugar to my ears. You know that addiction one can not leave without? I can listen to his music over and over again! His lyrics are something else from what one is used to listen to everyday from pop culture! This is someone so passionate with what he does. If you are lucky enough and see a Flyer with a name Conor Patrick & The Shooting Tsar Orchestra you have to run for the show. It will always be a great experience to remember for a lifetime. This band has greatest and talented musicians! This artist is about to conquer music industry and gain international recognition worldwide!

New Years Day- u2 Cover by Conor Patrick
( I actually felt asleep listen to it over and over last night it was a beautiful lullaby)

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