
Finally the album is on iTunes. I love the way how the iTunes do the cutting of the songs at least a person gets an idea how the song will sound like. The best thing about creating most of these songs with Waterflymusic was to fill in with a lot of instrumental and do some little bit variation of the songs throughout! I truly hope for those who have already purchased enjoy the songs. I have so far heard from the people I know and some I have not heard from long time that they love this album. They were happy for me to finally have made it. You know those people around us who knows how much we are dying to achieve something for so many years and when it finally happens they are also so overwhelmed! I have to say for maintaining artist name for 15 years is one of the most biggest thing I have ever done in my life. I managed to do this by sharing music I did from time to time. There was no releasing and most of my music sounded like a Demo. I never felt then they were good enough to create an album but I had to share them so that the fans can have something to listen to. Another thing is I always have contact with my fans. I love people who appreciate what I do. I am not that kind of artist who walks over the head of my Fans feeling like God. For me to meet such artists its so turn off. I understand that people are so busy but meeting someone so close face to face and you tell them you love their music and they look at you like a piece of crap. No shaking hand no charming respond just pure arrogance I will personally drop that artist from my favourites! This ever happened to me when I met so called super star from Trondheim! He is not even no where and even his music does not get so much plays on his player. Those days when Myspace was Myspace I had like over 100,000 plays and this artist never ever had 3000 plays and he totally ignored me! I just told him I love his music! Imagine that artists have to remember that our fans should mean a lot to us! Loosing even one of the person who truly loved what you are doing for your own arrogance is not a great way to go. Yeah am the coolest person on the earth. I love watching people around me playing big. I never like such people who think I will allow them to reduce me to nothing just to fit in! You know what I mean. Such people am so allergic to who think they are world meaningful people and the rest are crap. I keep away from such people all the time. I am so hypersensitive to! Everybody is V.I.P (You too who reads this remember this) Because deep in my head I am full being and worth-ful, worshipping no man than God! Got it :)

My music was submitted from Norway and registered from Norway but these people wrote Africa. Then another thing this album has different genre from Pop, Pop-Rock, Blues Rock. World, Lambada etc but they just decided to call the whole album "World" this means if a person loves pop they will never come across my album on their searching engines! Did they truly mean this whole album is world music? What did they mean by that? How come the album of Rihanna "Loud" was not described as World because it had different styles like mine and not from Barbados instead USA. Stereotypes will always be that! I hope that next time they tune into my album properly so that I can appear into different styles into search engines!

I have already started to be book for the concerts that will say "Africa is the place to be! I look very forward to perform songs into this album!

I did wrote all the songs into my album! I would love to work with different artists especially females from East Africa we still have a long way to go to make it international! I hope this album will be inspiration. I just had to think out of box and balance this album to give something for my African Fans and Western World.

All songs produced together with Natasha Shyrose with Waterflymusic (Stig Rindvoll) except: Once Upon A time & Sweet Lies Natasha Shyrose ft Mc Jimmy by Trondheim Studio Natasha Shyrose with  (Conor Partrick) I love to compose the songs I sing how they should sound like and so on! I am on the whole production.

Sleepless nights doing promotion for this album and so super excited!

For full version of the songs visit my player:
