Lana De La Rey again. I just love the voice of this artist and well her special lyrics. I actually love to write songs in a way that people have no idea what the next word will be about! Lana De La Rey is one of the most beautiful and hottest female artist alive. She has all these greatest things that one can idolise the woman. As most women today thinks to be visible one has to try hard. But Lana has these old days women`s move to make a person want to watch more or get more attracted to. Just watching the slight movements of her finger tips, arms will make one think it is sexy. This is the only or among very few women on the planet who will be sexy no matter what she has on. That is what makes a woman to be called a woman! Those were days for sure when women were women! Only by watching a single move of the hands and walk one`s heart is swept away. Girls and women out there learn how to sweep someone`s heart away, men for sure love quiz and video games because they need something little bit challenging. As I would have said to my female friends no matter how much you are dying to have a man let him sweat his balls off before he gets you!

Yep little bit of value is very important to have! Be descent when you are outdoors and once you lock him into your world; He will never tell others what truly had happened because of jealousy to share you. Kiss and never tell that is how the game is played. Trust me he will put a ring on it!
Yeah tell me that is not everybody`s biggest dream at least once in a life or twice or thrice countless times! But we all love big white dresses to wear  and great crown for a day! Never mind that I write the way I do. I am not all modern girl but old fashioned. As the matter of fact I am very old and always I have been but my mind is sharp to adaption into the different environments so that I survive at newest places and come into contact with new people.  I just feel like women are about to vanish from this planet. It is great to have equality as equal rights but being a woman is a gift. We should not forget this! Be a woman make every single step of your life as a portrait! Gays does it better than us women! As a fashion designer a woman like Lana De La Rey will be the most wonderful thing to design for. It is very inspiring to make sketches of real women who wants something classic, elegant but also sexy! I do personally believe one day I will dress a woman like Mette-Marit. I just get so inspired by mystical and inner undefined beauty that makes people appear interesting! One of the most interesting person with these features is a female artist Gunnhild Sundli. She is also greatest inspiration for me as a designer!  To follow up my designs hunt my website by May:
