I look very forward releasing my first album! The whole project is done but slight little things to spicy up always get me tempted to add little bit here and there in the music files! My producer from Waterflymusic Production is a perfectionist so imagine working with him! I actually enjoy working with the people who love what they do! That energy they transfer and inspire one to do better than one could never imagine! I will be back in studio later this week for album review and add little bit more taste on the songs! I love music very much and what inspires me to write songs is life and things happening around me! There are a lot of things to be sang or written in music that are barely sang or subject tackled! These are kind of things which inspires me to write little bit rare text! It is actually things that truly happens or we are familiar too! So why not sing about :) I hope I can uplift people through the songs I write in future! Never mind of my past songs most were about..... listen and analyse them but there are times we all grow up and change perspective of life! Or one gets to be more like oneself and bold about it :) I also wish to write songs for other artists and do collaborations one day!
Have a goodnight! Remember to join my facebook
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Natasha Shyrose at Brukbar. That was long time since I last performed live in March! But I sing home everyday! Warming up :)
