I had great time the last 3 days in Roadtrip in Sweden. It is very close to Norway you know. Sometimes we who lives in Norway are convienced it is little bit cheaper in Sweden. I guess everywhere around the world is  cheaper than Norway. There are lots of advantages and some disadvantages on that. I do not see big difference into things in Sweden well maybe cookies ;) lol... Those who smokes will enjoy Østersund or people using snus. We call snus "Ugolo in Swahili" Whats that in English...something else not a tobacco but young people put into their mouth. Somalians got it too something similar called "CAT"

I am strickly on food. I love delicious food like crazy. They got my favourite restaurant there called Sammurai they got the best food ever! Very charming people working there and delicious food. My favorite food was Sammurai Anka that is the duck fried with honey sause and little bit rice aside. Only by writing this makes me longing for the food. At the same time while driving around in Sweden I was trying to communicate with Mastering studio in Norway. I had so poor network communication on my iPhone. I was not able to open the files or respond to the emails. I love travelling around but I am not so good sleeping in the telts in the middle of the forest. Unless where we have camped there is a river I can swim in the morning or wash myself. I must bath in the morning to feel fresh and awake! The great thing camping in Scandinavia it is always closest to the daily things one needs! It depends where people wants to camp anyway. I must have a place to take a bath ;) Ladies thing you know we just have to! Sweden is very beautiful place and well very  flat landscape...The people there are warm and the language sounds very romantic. You will automatically fall in love with someone speaking Swedish. This language hypnotizes..." So inorder for me to stay faithful I made sure I deed not talk to swedish people too much especially men;) " This language tingles the right places! Let me stop it here. I mean right here. You didnot read this from me lol! Yes you did but let us just forget it! I remember in the trip at some extent I got so mad..There was only one swedish lady who was not kind. I think she truly ashames Swedish people. She attacked my dog Rocky just because Rocky ran away from me towards her dog. I told her not to worry this dog was safe. But she held on my Dog`s nake I thought she was about to strungle him. I actually yelled at her and well said dirty stuff..I have washed my mouth and repented after that. You know when you experience negatives thing is cues after cues of negative emotions flows. The day after everything turned back to Normal! But the trip was fun. I still love Sweden and the language :)

Here is how the camping place was- It was supposed to be a telt. This is kind of telt I love ;) lol

This place was used only for the breakfast and snacks before bedtime. Or else it was just food after junk food. Guess what happened today? Shh....I was in the bathroom for 40 minutes diarè and throwing up. I do not want to see anything again looks like Pizza or Hamburger until 2013. Lesson learned!!The main reason we ate fast food it was difficult to eat at the restaurant with our dog. If we left him alone he could have eaten things in the car or apartment we rented at Himrå!

Beautiful Building in the town right. Do you see Rocky with my partner over there...

One of my kids took this photo. Someone tries to become photographer with skills ;)

Strike a pose!

I was not even sure if this picture was taken or not at Himrå town :) lol 
This is how the Ice-Cream looks like in Sweden!!!! 
