I have been working with the next single for the past few days. I have just been adding extra touches on it! This is original beat coming straight from underground! I got inspired by making steps with my feet and made the beat out of the movement I composed with the claps from  my hands too! Immedietly we transfered it into the beat and maintain its originality. A lot of instrumental and sound into my next single are organic sound. It was much fun to record this song in studio by using every sound that existed inside of me. I never felt so connected to a song in my life like this one!

I look very forward mastering it and release it on 27-07-2012 on my young sister`s birthday! Find me on Itunes/Amazon with any other digital distribution.I hope you will enjoy my single in Swahili. I made a call to Lydmuren As for mastering appointment today unfortunately their mastering team are at vacation. But they promised to call me back on monday just incase their able to master the next song. I really wish that they are able to do that because they do great work. I remember after I had mixed my first two singles with my producer Stig Rindvoll and sent to Lydmuren As, great job was done. Most of the time when people master the sound gets so compressed and its looses its quality from the original version but this is not the case with Lydmuren. They actually master and mantain original quality or just make it better. I pray that they are the ones mastering my song again! What is the next single about or which genre? That is very interesting!!!!
Guess ......."But the genre is among the first type of styles I have earlier composed.... I didnot start straight with RNB or whatever style am doing today. But I actually went back to the first idea I had in mind on what sort of style would present me as an artist! I will strongly stand for it no matter how Odd it may sound ;) I hope my fans will enjoy the results ;) and Probably making new fans as well :) I wish you a most wonderful weekend!

Mastering Champions!!!

Waterflymusic productions with Natasha Shyrose
