NEW SINGLE RELEASED IN 12th MAY- Born To Shine 2012

My first single is out!I decided to make 2012 the year of happening after waiting for so long. The major issue was the style and production I made earlier was not satifying. I used to play gitar before but no more! I guess I have to polish up my skills! But when it comes to productions it seems most of the producers tried their best but never managed to tap into the core idea of my desired sound. I always know exactly how the songs should sound like. I can be pain in the ....when it comes to production. I am demanding but great to work with for sure. You will also experience a lot of fun working with me. I will be in the studio singing, dancing, telling jokes...Waterflymusic producer Stig Rindvoll is one of the only few producers that love to listen what the artist need and the gitarist Øyvind Wærnes is one of the greatest gitarist ever!!!

I made Born To Shine last year and kept on updating until early this year. I believe everybody is a star. We just have different ways to shine. We all have purpose of living. We should do what pleases us most. The main aim of this song is to remind people to stick into their dreams and inner desires. Dreams can really haunt us down and we experience less happiness into our lives by not fullfilling them. No matter how much cash one makes or job one has the inner you always wants to manifest. When you allow this to happen you kind of feel free. It is like you have released an energy that you have been holding back! 

In the song I wrote"You wanna be A Super Star or Just A Shooting Star" Which means in whatever you do you got to shine. Do it all without holding back. Shooting Stars we all know they come and go. Some people do things for fame. They will never last!Because when no one recorgnize them they will literally stop there...When people love what they do they will keep on doing it day and night no matter what!!! 
Let us do whatever we do for its own sake and see how long you will keep on doing it. The energy through it is everlasting...

Check out my single at 
Amazon: Natasha Shyrose
